A flying thought

a couple of days back i just wrote something... its not edited and might be a little confusing but i will post up anyways
Offender as well as the victim
I choose to write this article as an essential feminist. And as a very determined one, the issue so discussed in this article is, therefore, regarding matters concerning the female sex. I am sure there have been many before me to discuss issues of the same. However, though I agree to most of the stands taken by feminists, I instead have chosen to discuss the “victimization” of women from a different angle.

It is infact a common occurrence where we find ourselves reading about incidences of eve teasing, sexual harassment, rape, molestation, etc. And unfortunately we tend to acknowledge it as a piece of news and nothing more, for it does not affect us directly. Actually, I am a 1000 percent sure that if a survey was to be conducted amongst the women of our society, there would exist not one who would not have, at one point or another, been a victim of the above mentioned actions. However, when it comes down to blaming someone, then I believe, one can raise infinite fingers. But, who is really to be blamed?

Whenever I find myself in a place where the same issue is being discussed, I am, always, reminded of an old saying, “Silence is condolence”. A mere discussion of issues in the private sphere does not solve the problem, though it does give one a sense of release from a guilty mind that one is seen to be appalled by the issue, in one’s own circle, at the least. True, I too have been a part of that very same type of individual, however, this is where the difference comes in, between the rest of the existent examples of the mentioned type and me. I have chosen to voice my opinion while most choose not to do so.

Coming to the crux of this article, the glimpse of which is seen in the title. Women always take a stand that they are the victims. However, I doubt many of them have ever done anything about it. Now I might seem as a woman’s image basher, but infact I am quite the contrary. To prove the same, here is a little something to ponder about. Most of us today, while switching through the tv channels, when “accidentally” end on the music channels, and start watching the videos so shown. Now what are the main things seen in most videos of these songs; voluptuous women, in scanty dresses, with horrifying make-up, dancing centre stage, to attract men. And that is it! That is what the market is showing, over and over again. But wait, it is not the market that is to be blamed, for it only gives the consumers what they want. And thus the obvious conclusion is that the consumers want videos, which have the above characteristics.

It is the kind of orientation that one receives that moulds a person and determines the nature of one’s action. So, if the initial orientation provides people with a situation where women are accepted to be viewed as mere sex objects, then if they end up eve-teasing, sexually harassing or worse yet, raping women, then, really, can they be blamed for it. The question is not just about the selling of a women’s body for some capital, however, it is also about the “subliminal” message that each of these videos send out into the world that women are nothing but sex objects, that they should always be viewed that way, that their intellectuality has no weightage, that the only career good enough for women is where men are drooling over them.

And this is accepted by our society, by us!
Conclusion: victims, we are, but so are we the offenders!
thats all of it...
i guess i am just spoiled by political theory!
k then ciao
