愛 嵐.. Arashi Love

hola folks.. ^_^

well.. you see.. the topic of this post is Arashi love.. since last month i was formally introduced to the wonder that is Arashi by my friend Saffy <ありがとう>...
now i am sure that you must be wondering as to what is so great about arashi!!??
well the fact of the matter is that one can't sit and ask what is great about them.. the question rather stands.. what is not great about them!!
They are hot.. cute.. amazing singers.. lovable.. fabulous.. PERFECT!!
So that is why i just had to decdicate this post to them who have oh so changed my life..
and if you are in the mood to hear some of their stuff... or are just plain curious.. wait a bit.. the radio will soon incorporate them in its fold..

so anyways..
me and saffy were talkin about arashi.. and decided that it wud be fun if i went along with her next year for the natuscon (summer concert)..
so we started calculating the amount of money that i would have to save..
we started with the cost of the concert tickets.. then stay.. food... transport.. collectibles.. sight seeing.. karaoke.. and souveniers.. the grand total was 60,000yen..
yes i said 60,000yen.. oh please do not forget that there is airfare and visa expenses yet to be calculated..
that would be 60,000yen + ....
so talkin in terms of rupees.. that would come around Rs.30,000 + ...
i wonder if i can save that much... T_T... takai yo!!
but i guess i would get the chance to see Arashi and Ohno-kun!!
Must start now.. will try mochiron.. have Rs10,000 right now... only 30,000 more to go!!
i can do this... yes i can!! *stands with gleeming eyes and a fist held up high*

just have this much to say..
gotta start saving now!!


ciao ^_^
