Pick of the Month (Jan & Feb)


well I know that I have been quite late in posting the pick of the month.. I had exams yo!! ^_^

Anyways.. Since there has been a big delay.. I decided to combine January and February's Pick of the Month. And this I did, also, because this time's Pick of the Month is not just a song.. but infact an Album. Yes.. the whole album was just so good that i could not choose any one song from the album!

So without further adieu.. here is January and February's Pick of the Month!!
Otsuka Ai - Love Cook
大塚 愛 - ラブ クック

I especially love the songs 5.09am and Cherish.. My brother loves Love Music... they are all great songs.. so enjoy on the radio.blog!!! ^_^


ciao ^_^
