ただいま.. Over but not really o_O

hola ^_^

So I am back again. Of course, where else could I go! ^_^ My exams are over. And that only means one thing... PARTY DUDE! XP. And it is not just any exam that ended; my 2nd year final exams have ended. After slogging since March, I have finally come out to the other side of April and now standing on the edge of my new found but totally deserving 2 and half month holiday! Why a 2 and half month break? Well, Delhi University is kind enough to start the new session from 16th July :D. It’s as they say... かんぺきだ!! ^_^

But one would think that I would be happy to leave behind my studies for over 2 months and not think about a single word written in my text-books and readings. But that is the whole twist of being a Political Scientist or as I like to call it, "The Tragedy of being a Political Scientist". It is all very simple you see. Before I joined college, I was a simple but analytical person. I looked at the world, pondered over the issues presented to me and then moved on. But then my life changed. I stepped into a new phase of my life. I left the innocence of being a school girl and proceeded to the realities of the real world through the pedestal of my college.

In simple words, I became an adult. Having taken Political Science as my subject of study in college, I was further reoriented. The fact of the matter is that Political Science is not a subject which makes one study politics. It is so much more than that. And it has become a very integral part of my life. It’s like swimming and cycling; once you learn them, you never forget them. And having been transformed into a Political Scientist is no different.

I still remember my first Political Theory lecture. Ms. Menon was introducing the paper to us. We had no clue, obviously. She explained that Political Theory was not about reading textbooks and just memorising definitions and blindly scribble them in our answer sheets. PT is about realising the world around you. And being able to separate yourself from it and analysing it and then studying it being an integral part of it. It sounded pretty cool ^_^. How could it not. Here we are; 17 year old girls, whose whole definition of life was school up until now and there was this one lecture introducing us to life. I might be making it a bit too grandiose but it really did feel like it. I am the younger of the two siblings in my family. So I am basically pampered by 3 people :D, so the world for me up till college was really looking through rose-tinted glasses. And there had been no reason for me to look at it in any other way. But stepping into uni life is obviously quite a different and new experience. And we all treasure it don't we!

So after having been introduced to Political Theory, I began to slowly and gradually with a lot of hard work I might add become a Political Scientist. And having been completed 2 years of college, I am already a changed person. I no longer look at the world as just the way it is. To me, now, the world is full of several nations and polities which are striving to affirm their political soveriegnty and this ever changing world scenario. Nations are fighting to be super powers in their own little ways in this presently uni-polar world. The world is amidst a war. Some might say that the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. But in my opinion, the Cold War still lingers on, though in its less apparent yet devious manner. It is as Flemming said, "Cold War is that which is not fought in battlefields but in the minds of men". And it is certainly apparent that this war is far from over. I am positive that no Post-Modernist would accept the fact that Liberal Capitalism has won. Although, I myself am a Liberal, and believe that the first battle may be won, the war is still on.

And it is this very type of perception that I very frivolously call a Political Scientist's tragedy. It is not necessarily a bad thing. But it just prohibits from proceeding my life in a simple way. The world is complicated. And to me, it will never ever be simple again. Whatever I see, whether it is an international issue of ideologies or a domestic issue of reservation. I have opinions and I can not but form them. My urge does not allow me that luxury anymore of looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses for it was never meant to be seen like that.

Ok, I will end on that note. ^_^ And now I will enjoy my holidays!!

ja ne

nish ^_^
