*_* 夏旅行 *_* ~ Summer trip :D


It's been a long holiday past these 2 months. Although I spent it by doing nothing at all, I still will definitely miss this much welcomed break from college and studies. At the same time, in the true spirit of being contradictory, I want to start my final year in college soon since I am too bored right now! ^_^

However, I did not spend my entire summer break at home. Last week I flew to Calcutta ~ Kolkata ~ with my parents. The last time I went to Cal was around 10 years ago when I was 8 or 9 I think. Therefore I hardly remembered a thing about it. So in a way it was my first trip to Calcutta. Now, though in my opinion Delhi is by far the best city in India, I quite enjoyed Calcutta. Most of the city reflects the typical Bengali character, however the area around the Victoria Memorial is very impressive. The architecture and design screams English patterns. And me being a great lover of history was at once enamoured, so to speak, by my surroundings. I went to visit the Victoria Memorial with my mom. However, since it was a Monday, we could not entire the main building and see the gallery. Instead only roam around it in the garden and see whatever statues were there. Nonetheless, it was great. There were statues of Queen Victoria herself on the throne and King Edward VII. All in all it was a treat.

The other aspect of Calutta that caught my attention was their choice of sport. Now, anyone who lives in India or has visited this country knows that the people love nothing but Cricket. However, Calcutta is perhaps the only place where instead of cricket, one finds people enjoying a lively game of football!! The city is filled with clubs and each and every park has a pair of goals and almost each park has an ongoing game. I loved it. ^_^

Our stay in Cal was short. We headed out to our ancestral village for a day. It was nostalgic and pleasant. But I prefer the urban life :P

The main purpose of our trip was to visit the infamous beaches of Puri. So on Thursday morning, we set out for Puri by car and ended up on a 10 hour journey covering 600kms. All throughout the car journey, I kept wishing that it better be worth it. Especially since the drive, which is the best part of the journey, was our worst nightmare.

Having reached Puri, we checked into the hotel, MayFair. It was already late, so no beach for that day. My room was awesome. The funny bit was that our rooms were sea facing, however the trees infront were so big that we could not catch the slightest glimpse of the sea. But that sure didn't stop us from going to it. The hotel had its own private beach. Only one word to describe it: Exquisite. However, I believe that our trip to the beach could have been more fun, had it not been raining the whole time we were there. Even when we were playing on the beach, it was raining and added to that was high tide. Yet, it was alot of fun. The last time I had gone to the beach was 3 years ago, when we had gone to Pataya, Thailand.

The entire week was memorable to say the least. There were times when we had so much fun. But there were times when we just happy to be alive. Yes, our lives were in danger. Its as my mom said, "The driver honestly tried his very best to kill us!" To help everyone understand the rashness of the driver, allow me to help. Imagine the worst possible driver in the world. The driver that we had, was 10 times worse than that!! He would wait till we were approximately 2 meters away from a truck and then press the brakes real hard and slow down from a speed of 110km/hr to 40km/hr!! The sverving, the speed, everything was horrible. Mom even told me that I had turned absolutely white. Well who can blame me for that ~_~. But we are ok! We are safe and sound and have returned in one piece. Minus that driver, the trip was awesome. I will put up the pictures as soon as they come out.

Till then

au revoir ^_^

